A Message from Director Don Loving
How often have you heard some reference to "our great city parks?" We do have great parks, but — and nothing against our friends at both the cities of Newberg and Dundee — they aren't "city parks." They are "park district parks." The Chehalem Park & Recreation District is an independent local government authority that encompasses Newberg, Dundee and the surrounding hinterland. Essentially, we have the same jurisdictional boundaries as does the Newberg School District, except we don't spill over the Yamhill County line anywhere.
Why does this matter? For a couple of reasons. First, if we do something right, "credit where credit is due." Second, if we don't do something right, you need to know where to take your concerns … or, dare we use the word, complain.
The CPRD Board of Directors includes five elected members. Yes, we are elected. It's amazing how many people I talk to don't know that. Just like Dundee City Council members or Newberg School Board members, we stand for election every four years. We are accountable to you, the voting public. In addition to myself, the board currently consists of Mike McBride, Larry Anderson, Mike Ragsdale and Deona Twenge. Park district board meetings are held the fourth Thursday of every month. We start our monthly meetings at 6 p.m., a little earlier than most jurisdictions. You are always welcome to attend. Generally speaking they are held at the CPRD administrative offices on Elliott Road. Occasionally we venture out elsewhere; such deviations are always noted in the Graphic.
Collectively the board is very excited about having created the new Public Information Coordinator position now held by Kat Ricker. We acknowledge that we need to do a better job of blowing our own horn, so to speak. To some, CPRD is only Chehalem Glenn golf course. To others we're just the nearest park. Or the pool. Or the Cultural Center. In fact, we are all of those and so much more. Just one example: We're planning a trails system that's gonna knock your socks off! You're going to hear a lot more about that in the months ahead. In fact, you're going to hear a lot more about anything and everything CPRD-related in the weeks and months ahead, as Kat helps us better publicize the things we've been doing well for years and the great new plans we have for the future.
Not to sound maudlin, but we don't get paid to be on the CPRD Board. We serve as a way of giving back to the community we love, in an attempt to make our collective lives better. We believe in the mission of the park district, and we try to assist our excellent CPRD staff in helping you, the public. I look forward to sharing more with you down the road in this new forum, as the Chehalem Park & Recreation District — better late than never — fully embraces the communication technology of the 21st Century!
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