February 24, 2011

Thanks for coming to the first Main Event

We hoped you enjoyed the very first Main Event. More than 600 people braved the unusually low temperatures to join in the fun. The next one will be even better - mark your calendars for Saturday, May 21st.

When: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 26th
Where: Chehalem Cultural Center

What is there to do in Newberg and Dundee?

Imagine you could go to a fun, free, family daytime event and find out everything there is to do with CPRD, PCC and Chehalem Cultural Center for the next season.


You could try out 10-minute sample classes for free, or just hover in the back and watch. You could take your kids and sign them up for everything from pottery to softball to music lessons. You could meet up with a friend and check out a Zumba demo, or linger over a cup of coffee having a one-on-one conversation with an instructor about what they teach and how they teach it.

You could sign up for everything with all three right then and there and have your family's spring activities planned.


CPRD, PCC and the cultural center are bringing you a three-ring circus starting with our first-ever Main Event, Under the Big Top at Chehalem Cultural Center. Bring your kids, meet up with friends. Drop in anytime during the course of the day for entertainment, demos, refreshments, door prizes, and fun.

And if you register for a CPRD activity that day, you'll receive a bag of CPRD premiums valued at $120!

This free Saturday event will happen four times a year, to kick off each season. Be there for the very first one!
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