The CPRD childcare program wants to keep you informed on what to expect during inclement weather.
Click here to download the following information letter which includes information on winter alerts, delays, and closures.
1. If you have questions as to whether CARE is open during inclement weather, check our website at, our blog, Facebook and Twitter or call the registration desk located at Chehalem Aquatic and Fitness Center at 503-538-7454 or 503-537-2909 (Staff will begin answering phones at 5:30 a.m.).
2. It is our intent to offer a safe, secure environment for the children and their families. Please help us by providing current emergency Contact information. If your infomation changes, it is imperative that we have the revised infomation.
3. If there is a winter alert and schools are closing, C.A.R.E. will be cancelled as well. There will be no credit given for up to the first three Weather-related school/CARE closure days. Credit will be given for any additional closure days after the ñIst three days.
4. If the school district calls a two-hour delayl We will attempt to open our CARE sites as soon as possible (road conditions permitting) but we may not be on site until after 7 a.m. (usually by daylight) because of icy conditions. Call your CARE site to ensure the leader is there before attempting to drop your off.
5. In the case of a “two-hour delay”, CARE staff will remain with the children until schools begin, We will provide eXtra activities for those extra two hours to keep the children busy. There is no additional charge for these “two-hour delays”.
6. When a weather delay tunis into a school closure, please come pick your child up as soon as possible. It would be advisable for you to check Weather conditions infomation throughout the day. The sooner your child can be picked up, the safer the situation 'for himf'her.
7. In case of a school closure that may occur later in the school day, the school district will decide to close the facilities as soon as possible. Because of safety concerns, CARE Will not open the afternoon program at the schools. The Community Center CARE site leaders will contact you to pick up your child as soon as possible.
Again, thank you for enuusting us with the daycare needs of your child. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact Lynne Patrick at 503-619-5224.