January 15, 2014

Sports: Mandatory Concussion Training

New! Mandatory Concussion Training

Coaches - By law, all Oregon Youth coaches by must now complete concussion training and obtain a certificate to prove completion. You can do this online. Click here to go directly to the training/certificate online site  www.cdc.gov/concussion/headsup/training/index.html

Parents and Players - All parents and players must complete concussion information and the sign off sheet to prove completion. To do that, click here.

January 13, 2014

NEW! Nerf Battle Birthday Parties

Nerf Battle Birthday Parties are an exhilarating experience suitable for any age, from 8 years to playful adults. Players use Nerf guns, which fire safe foam darts, as they play games around our Nerf Battle Zone.

Our Nerf Battle commander will organize the children into teams for you and then run a number of different games, such as Capture the Flag.

Nerf Battle Parties are run in a safe environment with the emphasis on fun, team work and making the party boy or girl feeling special.  Party will include battle time as well as time in the party room for cake and presents (not provided).

Birthday Parties are held from 3 – 5 p.m. on Sundays.

Call to schedule your party at 503-519-5747

Annual Father-Daughter Dance Feb. 8

Girls of all ages!

Bring your daddy or other significant father figure to this fairytale evening of twinkling lights, dancing and dinner.

6 - 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014
Chehalem Armory
620 North Morton St. in Newberg

  • Catered dinner
  • Drinks (Sherbet Punch, Sparkling Apple Juice, and Coffee)
  • Dessert
  • 5x7" Professional photo
  • Three hours of music by local DJ
  • Carnation for every daughter
  • Amazing bonding opportunity for Father and Daughter
Fee is per person. Each father and daughter must be registered individually.
Early: $25/$30
Regular: $35/$40

You must register for this dance in advance in order to attend. To register, call Chehalem Aquatic and Fitness Center at 503-537-2909. Note that online registration is not available for this event. For questions or more information, call 503-519-5747.

January 3, 2014

New! Aqua Zumba

CPRD is offering Aqua Zumba for the first time, in the freshly painted pool at Chehalem Aquatic & Fitness Center. This class is on a drop-in basis, so just show up ready for fit fun with Jennie Delp. Pay only $4.25 ($4.75 out-of-District). Water Exercise punchcards are accepted.

Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:15 p.m.
Jan. 23
Feb. 20
March 20

Fridays from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m.
Jan. 31
Feb. 28
March 28

January 2, 2014

Board of Directors vacancy

There is an opening on the CPRD Board of Directors. Director Larry Anderson has resigned, effective Dec. 31, 2013. Applications for this position will be accepted through noon Jan. 17th. The Board expects to appoint a new director to complete the term (expires June 30, 2015) at the Jan. 23rd meeting. If you are interested in applying for this position, submit an application to the Administration Office by noon on Jan. 17, 2013. Applications can be downloaded on the employment and Board webpages of cprdnewberg.org. Questions? Call 503.554.0283.