CPRD Three Rivers Basketball League Tryouts for grades 5 - 8, boys and girls, will be held Sept. 29 and Oct. 6th.
CPRD is beginning its third year with the Three Rivers Basketball League (TRL). TRL rules require that all players grades 5 - 8 reside within the Newberg School District to be eligible for the 2013-2014 season.
Practices will begin late October. Games may be played on Saturday, Sunday or midweek evenings depending on gym availability through out the league. TRL team fees include 18 games and end of season tournament.
At the 5th & 6th grade level those that are not participating in the TRL may play in the CPRD Jr. Tiger league, with a team placement clinic on 11/16. Each player must attend a minimum of one try-out to be eligible.
Boys - TRL try-out dates/times: 9/29, 10/6, (5th & 6th 3:00 – 5:00), (7th & 8th 3:00 -5:30 p.m.) NHS main gym
Girls - TRL try-out dates/times: 9/29, 10/6, (5th & 6th 3:00 – 5:00), (7th & 8th 3:00 - 5:30 p.m.) NHS Aux gym for the girls.
Fees: Registration, Player fees for the TRL League will be $149 per player.
This includes all 5th thru 8th graders. Teams are responsible for uniforms.
5th - 8th grade – Player try-out fee of $20 (nonrefundable) must be paid before a player can participate in try-outs. Registration payment balance $129 must be received in full by 10/15 in order to be placed on a team. Due to team and player commitment, the fees are nonrefundable. The $20 try-out fee will be applied to registration fee if placed on a team.
5th & 6th grade players who will not be participating in the TRL will have their player fees applied for registration in the Jr. Tiger basketball program, with all overpayments being refunded.