January 21, 2011
Board of Directors to meet at Armory
The CPRD Board of Directors will hold its regular meeting 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27 at Chehalem Armory. The public is welcome. View the agenda here.
January 18, 2011
New Log Run at the Pool
The new Log Run at Chehalem Aquatic & Fitness Center opened at a special event on Monday, giving water lovers a whole new fun challenge.
A long line of adventurous swimmers waiting their turn at the new Log Run at Monday's special event
January 12, 2011
New electronic scoreboard/billboard over pool
Here's a flashy way to keep up with what's going on - Chehalem Swim Team and Chehalem Water Polo Club, Early Bird Rotary Club, Newberg Booster Club, in cooperation with CPRD, made possible the new electronic scoreboard/billboard recently mounted in the pool room at Chehalem Aquatic & Fitness Center.
When it is not keeping score, the board displays messages on what's going on at the pool and around the district.
January 10, 2011
Sign up now for Beginning Mandarin Chinese

Ages: 12 to Adult
Monday and Wednesday, 6:40-8:00 p.m.
Class starts Jan. 19, 2011
Registration open now
NHS Room D104
$145 In-District/$174 Out-of-District
NEWBERG, Ore. - Chehalem Park and Recreation District’s Community School program is proud to offer a course in Beginning Mandarin Chinese. Felix Loo says he is excited to offer this course in the Newberg/Dundee area.
Loo says the timing is right to offer this course here because many residents travel to China on business or work with Chinese speakers.
“My objective is to give people in the region the opportunity to learn Chinese,” said Loo. Loo, born and raised in Taiwan, began speaking Mandarin as a child through immersion, as it is the official dialect used by Chinese and Taiwan governments. He holds a M.A. in teaching and is a licensed teacher for K-8 grades. He also holds a master’s degree in computer science. He is also a “certified language interpreter” in the state of Washington, he says.
Loo taught Mandarin at Portland State University for 15 years. He teaches elementary grades through the Community School program through the City of Lake Oswego, and has taught high school as well.
“The Chinese language is very unique,” says Loo. It has a different sound, the characters are written, and one syllable is pronounced at a time.
To register, visit www.cprdnewberg.org. You can also register in person at Chehalem Aquatic and Fitness Center at 1802 Haworth Avenue in Newberg, or by phone at (503) 538-7454 or (503) 537-2909.
January 7, 2011
Basketball games moved
Junior Tiger Basketball Games for January 8th at Newberg High School have been moved. Their new locations are
- Boys' 5th & 6th grade moved to Mountain View Middle School.
- Girls' 5th & 6th grade moved to Chehalem Armory at 620 North Morton Street.
All games times remain the same.
January 3, 2011
Dutch Bros. fundraiser brings $2150 to Community School
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